


The Westminster 跳舞 Ensemble performs each trimester in a fully 生产d concert in the beautiful Werner Centennial 剧院. 舞蹈团在课程表上排练. 会员可通过参加两年的课程来完成所需的艺术学分. Many 跳舞 Ensemble members enjoy the opportunity of choreographing their own dances and are given the encouragement to choreograph, 生产, 在舞蹈指导的指导下表演这些舞蹈.
Many 跳舞 Ensemble members also participate in the Afternoon 跳舞 Program which fulfills the sports/afternoon requirement. 虽然下午的课程主要提供技术和调理课程, 这些学生也可能表演, 有时在非正式的表演中. 真心希望学习各种不同的舞蹈风格, 调节, form, 技巧是参与的必要条件.


音乐 at Westminster means having the opportunity to perform in concert on the beautiful Werner Centennial 剧院 stage or in the reverberant Andrews Memorial 教堂 acoustics as a member of the school performing ensembles (bands & 唱诗班)或独唱. It means the chance to have weekly private lessons on an instrument or voice with accomplished instructors in order to improve technique and proficiency. 学生可以在教室里学习音乐理论和历史. 校园里至少有10架钢琴可供学生练习和娱乐.
在维尔纳百年纪念中心有几个声学增强的练习工作室. 在冬季学期, 音乐和戏剧节目合作制作了一部完整的音乐剧, 由学生和专业人士组成的管弦乐队完成.
所有的大型音乐会都是专业录制的,cd也可以买到. Accomplished and eager student musicians are frequently tapped to perform during our weekly 教堂服务 and are encouraged to audition for and participate in Regional and All State 音乐 Festivals. Student organized rock bands and acappella vocal groups are also apart of the Westminster music scene.


  • 管乐团

    The band’s schedule of three to four rehearsals per week during the class day is structured to allow as many students as possible the chance to participate in an instrumental ensemble. 歌曲列表的范围从爵士和流行歌曲到传统的音乐会乐队曲目.

    乐队在父母周末音乐会上演出, 烛光课和圣歌礼拜, 冬季艺术节和春季音乐会. 
  • 爵士乐团

    The 爵士乐团 rehearses once a week and is comprised of the elite members of the 管乐团 who share an interest in further exploring the jazz repertoire. 重点放在爵士乐的两个基本元素:即兴创作和摇摆. 除了在秋季的三场大型音乐会上表演, 冬季和春季学期, 该团体全年也在学校的其他活动中演出.
  • 合唱团

    这是最大的合唱团, which performs in various school concerts and at the annual Candlelight Lessons and Carols 教堂 Service. 合唱团探索了从16世纪到现在的各种音乐风格. The group is open to all interested students, including those with no prior musical experience. 合唱团每周在上课的时候排练两到三次. The highlight of the year for many students is the Spring “pops” concert programming which features accompaniment by drums, 钢琴, 贝斯和吉他, 以及新的和出版的无伴奏合唱安排. 参加两年的合唱团可以满足学生的艺术要求.
  • 室合唱团

    这个小组最多有24名歌手,他们必须和导演一起试镜, 大卫Chrzanowski, 谁也是学校教堂的管风琴手. 成为合唱团成员是参加这个合奏团的必要条件. The group focuses on the performance of challenging repertoire both accompanied and a cappella, 从牧歌到无伴奏的流行歌曲. 除了主要的学校音乐会, 演出包括理事和校友活动, 教堂服务, 偶尔也会参加校外音乐活动. Rehearsals are twice per week during the class day plus required sectional rehearsals after school. 参加室内合唱团一年,符合学生的艺术要求.


剧院 has always been an integral part of the Westminster experience dating back to when the son of the school's founder wrote and directed productions each winter before he launched a very successful career as a Broadway 生产r.
The theater program at Westminster offers students the opportunity to experience all aspects of theatrical performance and production in the theoretical setting of the classroom and the practical arena of our department productions.
课堂课程包括三个层次的戏剧课程.  戏剧课程的所有课程都集中在艺术创作上.  They are intentionally designed to get students up and on their feet and have them experience the art form: to learn theater by doing theater. 戏剧导论是戏剧课程中所有其他课程的入门课程.  它使学生接触到艺术形式中的各种思想和学科.  它以各种形式向所有学生开放. Independent 研究 in 剧院 is an intensive elective that prepares advanced students to dive deep into a specific area of interest. The topics are many and varied offering students the opportunity to gain depth as well as breadth. 
Each year the theater program 生产s two productions in the state-of-the-art Werner Centennial 剧院: one dramatic piece spanning the varied genres of Western theater and a musical production.  在春季学期, student directed one act plays offer students the opportunity to direct a one act play as part of an evening of short plays. Each of these productions offers many opportunities for student involvement and leadership both on stage and backstage.

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