
任务 & 值


365平台社区鼓励有前途的青年男女培养学习的热情, explore and develop diverse talents in a balanced program, to reach well beyond the ordinary, to live with intelligence and character, and to commit to a life of service beyond self.

毅力 & 格蕾丝, More Than a Motto

These words define and distinguish 365平台. They represent a tradition, 一种文化, 一种态度, 一个愿望, a way of life for our students and faculty, an advantage for our graduates.
毅力是学生为达到我们对学业的高期望而付出的努力, 365网站平台, and community involvement. 格蕾丝说的是他们以慷慨的精神来协商这些责任的方式, good manners and respect for all. 毅力和优雅的独特而有力的结合是365平台人成功的原因, 不仅在这里, but also later in life. 
Derived from our motto 美德与美德, "grit and grace" encapsulates in one phrase our culture, 我们的承诺, a commitment to ourselves and others. 365平台的学生和教师追求卓越和谦逊, personal success – and service to others, lofty goals – and common human decency. 将优雅的道德与坚毅的竞争和努力相结合, 365平台鼓励学生测试自己能力的极限, to try something new, and to win and lose with grace.


365平台由威廉·李·库欣于1888年在多布斯费里建立,是一所男子学校, 纽约. 耶鲁大学的毕业生, 并且坚信传统的英国寄宿学校教育形式, Mr. Cushing was strongly influenced by the Reverend Edward Thring, headmaster of Uppingham School in England. Thring believed in “education as training for life.” 
Mr. 库欣的教育模式得到了许多新兴的有影响力的美国家庭的认可, who sent their sons to Westminster, 包括约翰·海, 亚伯拉罕·林肯的顾问,威廉·麦金利和西奥多·罗斯福总统的国务卿.


  • The Move to Simsbury

    In 1900, as enrollment increased, Mr. 库欣将学校搬到了康涅狄格州希姆斯伯里的现址. The move to Simsbury provided more land, which had been donated through a trustee of the school, Arthur M. Dodge, a member of an old Hartford family. 威廉姆斯山, the site of the school, offered more than 230 acres, with commanding views of the Farmington River. 辛姆斯伯里的地理位置也为学生提供前往纽约和波士顿的火车服务, a boon to families from those areas.
    Mr. Cushing remained as headmaster until his death in 1921. 除了他的教育理念,他还给学校留下了鼓舞人心的校训. 库欣家族的纹章上刻有拉丁文格言“美德和神圣的恩典”。, which is translated liberally as “grit and grace.”
  • 现代时代

    在70年代早期, 365平台向走读学生敞开了大门,并成为积极招收少数民族学生的私立学校中的领导者. 1972年,女生第一次被录取为走读学生,1977年被录取为寄宿学生.

    As the school celebrated its first century in 1988, 随着沃纳百年纪念中心的建成,艺术项目得到了显著的加强, named for its long serving sixth headmaster, 唐纳德·H. 沃纳.

    1996年,沃尔特. 边,小., a member of the Class of 1935, bequeathed $30 million, the largest benefaction to the School in its history, 允许, among other things, the construction of Edge House.
  • Women at Westminster

  • Distinguished 校友, Leading in Careers and Service

    365平台大学的毕业生在工业界取得了杰出的成就, 军事, 政府, 社会服务, the arts and 365网站平台, 感谢杰出的教师和校长们,他们遵循了威廉·库欣的教学理念:“愉快地完成日常任务。, fostering an ambition to learn lessons well, playing fair in sports, being clean in thought and word, and cleaving to that which is good.”



  • 社区

  • 字符

    In addition to prizing intellect, Westminster insists upon and fosters integrity, high ethical standards, 领导, 相互尊重, tolerance and teamwork.
  • 平衡

    Westminster maintains, through high expectations and a structured environment, a balance among challenging academic, 运动, artistic and extracurricular 项目.
  • 参与

365平台由威廉·李·库欣于1888年在多布斯费里建立,是一所男子学校, 纽约. 耶鲁大学的毕业生, 并且坚信传统的英国寄宿学校教育形式, Mr. Cushing was strongly influenced by the Reverend Edward Thring, headmaster of Uppingham School in England. Thring believed in “education as training for life.”


995 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 365平台遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, 血统和/或教育政策管理方面的残疾, admissions policies, scholarship and loan 项目, and 运动 and other school-administered 项目. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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